Focuses only on ocean-associated recycled waste, the new collection of Love Beauty and Planet’s Clean Oceans Edition. comes to form the base of an exciting new line of hair and…
Participants of all ages thronged the Surf Beach at Sunway Lagoon at the Watsons #GETACTIVE FEST 2019. Back by popular demand, and in its 6 th consecutive year, #GETACTIVE FEST…
Calling all K-beauty fans, beauty addicts and skincare junkies, Korea’s #1 aesthetic skincare brand, AHC is finally here in Malaysia. Speaking at the brand’s official launch in collaboration with Watsons,…
Cover image credit from left to right: Buro247 Malaysia/ marketing-interactive/ Besides Raya shopping, fireworks, planning for ‘balik kampung to be with loved ones and the amazing ketupat/rendang you’ll be…