Home BeautyCare M’sian women should check out this limited edition CHERRY WAX for this festive season

M’sian women should check out this limited edition CHERRY WAX for this festive season

by Grace Sundram

CHERRY WAX, have you heard of it? STRIP’s limited edition CHERRY WAX is definitely worth a try. This treatment is the right ‘wax’ to describe your day, with a jolly cherry red shade radiating a vibrant emotion and a nice aroma.

What does the ‘CHERRY WAX’ treatment entail?


 The CHERRY WAX formula, a hard wax great for sensitive areas, does not tug on your skin during removal. The result – an even more comfortable wax session. What a welcome joy this can be, especially for individuals who are just starting off with wax treatments.


STRIP is actually at your disposal anywhere there is stray hair, from brow to toe.

The Cherry Wax is the smoothest and most skin-friendly hard wax ever which contains an anti-inflammatory and hypoallergenic combination of aloe vera and chamomile, providing a well-moisturized and soothing effect to help prevent skin irritation and redness after waxing. With a cherry scent that is claimed to decrease emotional tension and anxiety.

A Desirable Cherry deal


Here is an exquisite offer for first-time STRIP customers:

Have a Brazilian Cherry Wax for only RM88.00 (Usual Price RM120.50) or a Boyzilian Cherry Wax for only RM98.00 (Usual Price RM155.50).


Be sure to ‘pick this Cherry’ deal exclusively available from now until 15 February 2022, at all STRIP Malaysia outlets.

 STRIP is committed to upholding strict hygiene standards. A set of protocols are in place to ensure safety and ease of mind in the current new norm.

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