After a meeting chaired by the Minister of Health, YB Khairy Jamaluddin, the Covid-19 Booster Immunization Task Force (CITF-B) agreed to proceed with the registration of booster doses by having a walk-in starting November 22.
In a statement, CITF-B stressed that this direct registration method will be implemented at Vaccine Centers (PPV) of private health facilities across the country.
He also added that walk-in registration will be conducted for individuals who are eligible to be given a booster dose as well as those who want to get an injection earlier than the appointment.
The registration is also open to individuals who have not yet received a first or second dose injection of the COVID-19 vaccine and those who have missed a previous vaccine appointment.
Adolescents between the ages of 12 to 17 who have not yet been vaccinated can also register by walk-in.
However, the administration of booster doses so far is still given priority to six groups including:
- Frontliner in the health, defense and security sectors
- Individuals aged 40 and over
- Individuals 18 years of age and older with comorbidities (with two or more unrelated diseases)
- Pregnant women
- Those who need to go abroad
The CITF-B believes that this approach will facilitate and encourage individuals who are eligible to receive booster doses voluntarily to get injections earlier without having to wait for an appointment date as before.
In addition to the walk-in medium at PPV private health facilities, booster dose registration can also be made by phone and email.
The public can refer to and contact the list of PPVs that provide walk-in/phone/email services to register for this appointment through starting 22 November 2021.