Squid Game, a Korean thriller drama that has made waves throughout the world, has become the talk of the town. Hwang Dong Hyuk directed this Netflix produced drama, which premiered on September 17th. For those unfamiliar with the drama, it follows a group of individuals who are completely broke who inadvertently participate in a series of dangerous games in order to earn the prize money of 45.6 billion won.
The Netflix drama has been gaining traction owing to an intriguing mystery narrative twist, an attractive set, great cast members — all wrapped in South Korean children’s games.
Cube is a film about a group of people with various personalities who wake up in a seemingly endless maze loaded with traps. The gang must use their brains and abilities to find their way out of the maze before it’s too late, not knowing how they got there or who each other is. Cube shines the most in its exploration of how various people with different personalities work together with clues. The riveting plot, human relationships, and tension will keep you fascinated until the finish, even if the graphics aren’t up to today’s standards.
Alice in Borderline
Netflix has previously released the Alice in Borderland series, which was an anime adaptation. Arisu, a jobless teenager, and his two pals, Chota and Karube, are the protagonists of Alice in Borderline. Arisu and his buddies are abruptly transported to an abandoned Tokyo when they were trying to hide away from the cops. They must compete in a series of dangerous games if they are to make it out alive.
As the Gods Will
The film As The Gods Will was accused of plagiarising Squid Game. This film follows Shun Takahata, a student in his sophomore year of high school who leads an average existence. Shun and his classmates are forced to play a series of deadly children’s games one day. Shun must battle to survive without knowing who is behind it all when he discovers that some of his students are using the chance to let go of their classmates. This unusual picture, directed by Takashi Miike, blends horror and humour to create an entertaining viewing experience.
This film shows the story of eight people who are competing for a coveted corporate position and are forced to complete a final test in a windowless chamber. They are given a piece of paper and a pen, as well as the task of answering only one question before the time limit expires. However, when they turn the paper over and find that it is blank, the group becomes confused, paranoid, and tense as they try to figure out what the question is.
Battle Royale
Then there’s Battle Royale. Battle Royale is based on the novel by Koushun Takami and is set in the future when a class of 9th graders is chosen and forced to battle to the death until only one survives. On an abandoned island, 42 students are forced to kill each other in this film. Battle Royale is a brutal game with an intriguing narrative and multi-dimensional characters.