Home LivingHealth What should you do if you have COVID-19?

What should you do if you have COVID-19?

by Grace Sundram

Just when we thought things were getting better, Malaysia set a new high of 6,806 cases yesterday (20 May 2021), after breaking the 6K mark the day before. Aside from that, another high point would be the 59 fatalities, bringing the total of deaths to 2,099.

Although the majority of the cases are concentrated in the Klang Valley, there are still hundreds of cases reported on a daily basis in once-green areas like Pahang and Terengganu.


Aside from that, most quarantine centres and public hospitals are so congested with people that the majority of patients who are transported over have dreadful experiences. One cannot expect it to be a holiday destination but with mattresses stacked next to each other, there isn’t much room to exercise social distancing. Moreover, patients aren’t taking any precautions like wearing a mask. The toilets are not well-kept with it being leaky, filthy and doors that cannot be closed.

It’s completely understandable that the frontlines are swamped every day with allegedly new patients; however, it’s a little frustrating to see that patients who are checked in are taking things easy without practising proper personal hygiene habits. Whatever happened to Kita Jaga Kita? 

As for those who are chosen to quarantine at home — although it makes things easier for both parties — there’s seems to be no proper confirmation on whether the patients are safe to leave their homes after completing the 14-day quarantine mark.

There’s just so much confusion going on as to having more cases on a daily basis.

But with that said, we have to stay strong and also be proud of the frontliners for doing the best that they can for the people. 

Anyway, here are some things that you should know if you are tested positive for COVID-19.

What happens after you have been tested?


You can go to your nearest COVID-19 Assessment Centre (CAC) if you have been tested positive for COVID-19 in a non-health ministry facility. The whole list may be seen HERE. CAC will choose whether you will be confined at a centre or at home. It all depends on the stage you’re in and the symptoms you’re experiencing.

As for those that were tested at a MOH facility, the official authorities will get in touch with further instructions.

Once your case has been recorded to Simka (a public health laboratory information system), your status on the MySejahtera app will also be updated immediately.

Notify those who have been in close contact with you recently


It may be tough to confront your worries and inform those close to you that you have tested positive. Nonetheless, by doing so, you are not only safeguarding yourself but also your loved ones. Also, tell them to take the test as soon as possible to determine whether or not they have caught the virus.


Note: Asymptomatic cases have recently been on the rise, so it’s best to stay at home and avoid meeting people if possible. Because truth be told, you may not have the symptoms, but you might be silently carrying it. So, please, stay at home and be safe.


As previously stated by the authorities, if possible, attempt to practice self-lockdown. If you’re concerned about your life and the lives of your family members (particularly if you’re the only one who leaves the house for work on a regular basis), attempt to discuss it out with your bosses and hope that they understand your predicament.

It’s the time to be understanding, whether one likes it or not.

Quarantine centre or be treated at home


COVID-19 patients are classified into five categories: Category 1 (no symptoms) and Category 2 (symptomatic without pneumonia) is allowed to be treated at home. Whereas those in Category 3 (suffering from pneumonia), Category 4 (suffering from a lung infection and requiring oxygen support), and Category 5: (critical patients with multiple organ complications) will be required to be admitted to a hospital or a low-risk treatment facility.

It will be permitted for the former only if your house has enough space for social distancing, you are an elder, and if you have pre-existing medical concerns.



If you have been chosen to be treated at home, please adhere to the following guidelines.

In addition, the Health Assessment Tool (HAT) function will be instantly added to your MySejahtera app, allowing you to monitor your condition.


While in quarantine, avoid any contact with your loved ones and use separate bathrooms and utensils. If you must communicate with them in person, do keep a safe two-metre distance with a mask.

In case you have difficulty breathing or a high fever,  immediately contact your CAC or dial 999.

It’s a difficult time and we should not be selfish. Take care of others as you would take care of yourself. Stay home and stay safe, everyone. 

Disclaimer: Certain parts of this piece reflects the writer’s opinion and compiled opinions of others on the subject matter. Whereas the rest of the information stated is from MOH. 

Pictures by Reuters, Malay Mail & CNA

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