In the search for the perfect auspicious and healthy start to your Chinese New Year celebrations? Look no further than your local supermarket for Taste Australia’s combination of the delicious, vitamin-rich palate of fresh summer fruits.
Taste Australia’s 2021 ‘So Fresh & So Delicious’ campaign looks to ring in Chinese New Year with an auspicious stroke of nutritious summer fruit goodness. Our health has never been more of a priority in these unprecedented times. With the onset of the Chinese New Year, a gift of Australian summer fruit as a wish for good health is a thoughtful gesture indeed.
Some summer fruits like peaches have a strong connection to Chinese culture as they symbolize longevity and prosperity. In traditional belief, peaches also represent immortality and unity. While immortality may be out of reach, health, longevity and unity are things we can actively work to achieve. ,
Summer fruits are powerful sources of vitamins, known to boost the immune system and provide energy to the body. Peaches, nectarines, apricots and plums contain an abundance of antioxidants such as vitamins A, E and C – vital tools that work to strengthen your immune system to fight off infections. The properties in vitamin C additionally increases the production of collagen for healthy skin.
The jewel-toned fruits are also brimming with high levels of potassium, which is a key nutrient in regulating blood pressure and promoting the health of your nerves and muscles.
Alongside their excellent health benefits, peaches, nectarines, plums and apricots also pack a delicious flavour profile. Taste Australia’s fresh and vibrant summer fruits are sweet and bursting in delicious juices, balanced perfectly by their succulent yet firm texture.
The Aussie Summerfruits – So Fresh & So Delicious contest
To further boost excitement for the festivities, Taste Australia is launching a nationwide consumer contest: The Aussie Summerfruits – So Fresh & So Delicious contest. 4 weekly winners will be rewarded with a Samsung Galaxy Fit 2 for simply consuming Taste Australia summer fruit.
To participate, consumers need to simply snap a photo of themselves enjoying any Taste Australia summer fruits with their loved ones. The photos are to be uploaded to their public Instagram account with the contest hashtags: #tasteaustralia and #sofreshsodeliciousmy, with a caption on why they love summer fruits. Participants will need to retain their receipt of the fruits as proof of purchase.
The Aussie Summerfruit So Fresh & So Delicious contest will run from now until 20th March 2021.
Whether you’re gifting during Chinese New Year or stocking up to enjoy at leisure, Taste Australia’s range of fresh summer fruits is definitely a must-buy this season. The luscious fruits are now available in major supermarkets such as Jaya Grocer, Village Grocer, and AEON supermarkets across Malaysia.