If you have ever found yourself staring at a warning message on your phone stating that it’s too hot, then you most likely have experienced a phone that’s overheated. Since we live in Malaysia, it’s basically summer all year long which means it’s always a hot morning, afternoon and evening…and that our phones might be a risk of heat damage.
But fret not ’cause here’s a list of tips that can help protect your phone.
Switch to airplane mode or turn it off
The thing is when the phone is already overheated, it’s not just the external temperature that plays a role to it. You can still continuously increase your phone temperature by just making calls or taking photos so it’s better to stop using the phone as it can generate more heat.
Remove phone from its casing
Clearly your phone case isn’t helping when the phone is overheating and could be one of the reasons why. By taking the casing off, it will allow the phone to have clear channels to release the heat without being blocked, allowing your phone to return to its normal temperature at a more natural rate.
Note: Do not attempt to place your phone in the freezer because that will expose your phone to cause more problems due to the sudden changes in temperature.
Don’t charge your phone
As you should know, charging does increase your phone temperature and sometimes the cause of it could also be the cable. Even so, charging your phone when it’s overheating can actually damage your battery life and shorten the overall life of the phone.
Close all heavy-duty apps
Using Waze, recording videos longer than five minutes or playing processor-intensive game apps such as PUBG can definitely put your phone at risk of overheating. A simple solution for this is to better stop using the phone for a bit and also close all unused apps that are running in the background.
Fact: This can also help increase your phone’s battery life so that’s a +1.
Use copper coins
Japanese Twitter claims that you can place copper coins on the device as it works as a better conductor of heat. So in our case, we only have 1 cent so if you can find any of those copper coins lying around your house, you could try and experiment it out.
Pictures Macworld, Kevin Bhagat, Jonathan Brinkhor, Screen Post, Daniel Korpai, Matteo Fasco, Drew Hays & Tom’s Guide