Home LivingHealth Here’s how you can improve your mental health

Here’s how you can improve your mental health

by Andrea Tay

Being locked up in a confined space of your home for a period of time can be quite detrimental to one’s mental health. Although it is much safer to stay at home during the pandemic, the importance of socialising and taking a break from staring at the same four walls is actually much healthier and better for an individual. We are not asking you to leave home because don’t. We were just making a statement on what’s best.

To sustain the positive energy, we have listed some ways you could do to freshen that mind of yours.


Untitled design - 2020-03-24T163030.697Meditation is a type of activity which allows one to train their mind and thoughts. When you practice meditation, you are focusing on your daily breathing. This practice can train your focus and concentration so that you would not get influenced easily like how the water ripples when a rock is thrown into it. If you can remain calm even when you’re surrounded by chaos, then that is all you need to keep alive.


Untitled design - 2020-03-24T162318.119Connecting yourself spiritually is quite important especially in a time when everyone is in a fearful, anxious state. One will need to feel the power from the Almighty in order for them to be strong. Instead of going out to the place of worship, individuals can also choose to pray at home. This may help individuals increase their mental strength.

Have sufficient rest

Untitled design - 2020-03-24T163057.286Individuals should grab hold of this precious opportunity by having a good rest. Although it is not wrong to binge-watch Netflix during your free time but sleeping at a reasonable time is equally important to improve one’s mood. Also, sleeping well can make one less temperamental or sensitive during the period of self-quarantine at home.

Keep a mood tracker or journal

Untitled design - 2020-03-24T163743.733It is time to put a stop in finding more excuses for not writing a daily journal. During the stay-at-home period, you can design your journal in any way you want and at the same time, pour out your thoughts into the journal. With that, when the day comes, you will be able to look back on the good ol’ days you’ve recorded in it.

Pictures by Juan Pablo Serrano Arenas, Andrea Piacquadio, Ric Rodrigues, Plush Design Studio, Craig Adderley

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