Home Highlight Moonwalking Indian Cop Keeps Traffic Entertaining

Moonwalking Indian Cop Keeps Traffic Entertaining

by Nicolas See Tho

A Bollywood background with the flair of Freddie Mercury beat cop Ranjeet Singh takes police traffic work to a whole new level with these moves.

This Michael Jackson wannabe handles the busy intersection in Indore whereby traffic can’t ignore him, and he weaves and moonwalks his way around peddlers and rickshaws in a city of 2 million people.

“I have been a Michael Jackson fan for years and copied his moonwalk step to halt traffic 12 years ago,” Singh commented. “Initially, people were surprised, but it worked wonders over the years and has gained popularity.”

Singh has become a viral sensation which has gathered over 50,000 views on his Facebook page daily with more following him as his videos are being shared by people on various social media platforms.

Ever since he had started his new dancing routine, he has claimed that traffic accidents have been reduced over the years, and some Indian universities are studying his methods to see if they have an effect on the local traffic.


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