Netflix is known not only for their streaming services but of late, their homebrew productions and investments into indie filmmakers in order to push for exclusive Netflix products. One of the more well-known franchises is that of Marvel and their street-level heroes such as Daredevil and Jessica Jones. Recently, however, an interesting title popped up called Bright which is a blend of a cop story mixed with that of a DnD (Dungeons and Dragons) campaign.
Bright takes place in an alternate Los Angeles whereby the world has accepted mystical creatures as parts of their everyday life, such as orcs, fairies, centaurs, elves and dark elves. The story starts with Ward(Will Smith) Who is paired up with the first Orc in the police force, Nick(Joel Edgerton). Ward had a bad experience which resulted in him getting shot and his partner at the time was Nick. This leads to plenty of distrust and racial tensions between humans and Orcs. Events unfold for the worst when they find a weapon of great magical powers.
If anything were to be said of this movie it would be the immensely creative world building, Sure, there have been stories of elves and orcs before but merged into our human culture, forced to obey the same rules in modern society, this movie is the first to actually do that. The different communities as well have a human reflection to them, in which economic disparity and racial tensions are the main themes here.
Plot-wise, the story can feel a bit misdirected as the plot moves in a rather disorganised linear fashion, jumping from one point to the next, while the backstories are only lightly touched upon. The lore of the world seems deep, but Bright hardly delves into it, focusing more on the character interactions between Will Smith and Joel Edgerton. the dialogue is definitely crude but it has its moments.
One thing that’s set in stone is that the story does not end here, as the show has set up a sequence of events that warrants a sequel. Here’s hoping that they will now spend more time in the world that they have created and perhaps shed some light on what the overlying plot is.