Home Entertainment Recap to the Best 2017’s Viral Videos on Youtube

Recap to the Best 2017’s Viral Videos on Youtube

by Natasha Christopher

As 2017 slowly coming to an end, this only begs the question that is running in everyone’s head, WHERE DID THE PAST 11 MONTHS WENT TO?

You blink your eyes and there you have it, now is already mid of December and soon we’ll be ringing in 2018. I’m sure there were plenty of fun laughter that came with the year with Youtube!

Let’s reminisce some of the viral videos on Youtube for 2017.

1. Ed Sheeran and James Corden

Corden’s famous Carpool Karaoke earns its spot on one of the most viewed videos on Youtube with a whopping 40 million viewers to date. Ever since Ed Sheeran dropped his third studio album, his songs captured the hearts of many. So much so his music video for Perfect scored a total of 293 million viewers! Wow, not bad for a gingerbread man.

2. Children Interrupt BBC Interview

This hilarious video features Professor Robert Kelly’s Skype interview with BBC until his daughter barged into the room and interrupted her dad’s interview. She came in jovially in the room and started tugging his arm. This video has garnered 25 million views and earns their hearts too.

3. Mans Not Hot

The thing goes skrrrahh, pap, pap, ka-ka-ka skidiki-pap-pap, and a pu-pu-pudrrrr-boom. Just like that, this music video achieved 111 million viewers. From the gibberish lyrics itself, Michael Daapah or better known by his stage name, Big Shaq has become a viral sensation on memes, and even with international singers.  Mans definitely hot with the viewers though!

4.  Until We Will Become Dust – Oyster Masked | The Mask Singer 2

This performance from a popular singing competition in Asia was YouTube’s top trending video of the year with more than 181 million views. Basically, the competition is meant to conceal the contestant’s face with elaborate masks and judge them only on showmanship and their singing. Worth the watch!

5. Lady Gaga’s Full Pepsi Zero Sugar Bowl Halftime Show | NFL

One of the most awaited shows during Thanksgiving is the halftime show. This year, pop singer Lady Gaga opened up the show and of course, it was filled with Gaga’s theatrical performance that ranked 3.8 million views the next day according to Youtube. Her journey towards the show also was featured in her Netflix’s Gaga: Five Foot Two.

6.  Despacito – Luis Fonsi feat Daddy Yankee

This song is no stranger to everyone despite singing it in our broken Spanish. Luis Fonsi broke the records for the most viewed video on Youtube to date, beating out See You Again by Charlie Puth and Wiz Khalifa that ranked in the second spot. Despacito massively gain 4.5 BILLION VIEWERS! LIKE WHAT?!

7. “Inauguration Day” – A Bad Lip Reading of Donald Trump’s Inauguration. 

This comedic and whimsical parody of a bad lip reading made the whole world laugh at Donald Trump’s inauguration. Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, George Bush and Hillary Clinton stars in the parody as well. Simple as that, 35 million views obtained from this video alone.

There you have it, some of the viral videos that have been a talk of the town for this year! Who knows, next you’ll be featured here too. Have a great weekend everyone!




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