Colours have the ability to influence one’s mood and vibe psychologically. One’s favorite colour too may define the way they behave and their personality, thus their IQ level! All colours give positives and negatives vibe to the surrounding and to the people. There are four psychological primary colours – red, blue, yellow and green. They relate respectively to the body, the mind, the emotions and the essential balance.
Red colour is always related to physical courage, strength, warmth, energy, basic survival, stimulation, masculinity and excitement. As the longest wavelength, red is a powerful colour although it’s not technically the most visible but it is most definitely to grab our attention first. For instance, the effectiveness in traffic lights worldwide. Red affects us physically as it stimulates us and raises the pulse rate by giving the impression that time is passing faster than it is. Besides the ability to activate the “fight or flight” instinct, red also can be perceived as lively and friendly also at the same time, as demanding and aggressive.
Blue colour differs from red as blue affects us mentally and always been related to intellingence, communication, trust, efficiency, serenity, duty, logic, coolness, reflection and calm. Strong blue will stimulate clear thought and the lighter the blue will give us a calming sensation. As the act of communication, we often see the logo for social media in blue colour thus give us the sense of efficiency. Through research, blue is the world favourite colour. However, it can be perceived as cold, unemotional and unfriendly.
The yellow wavelength is relatively long and essentially stimulating. In this case the stimulus is emotional, therefore yellow is the strongest colour, psychologically related to Optimism, confidence, self-esteem, extraversion, emotional strength, friendliness and creativity. The right yellow will lift our spirits and our self-esteem; it is the colour of confidence and optimism. Too much of it, or the wrong tone in relation to the other tones in a colour scheme, can cause self-esteem to plummet, giving rise to fear and anxiety. Our “yellow streak” can surface. Yellow colour also stimulates our appetites.
Green the colour of harmony, balance, refreshment, universal love, rest, restoration, reassurance, environmental awareness, equilibrium and peace strikes the eye in such a way as to require no adjustment whatever and is, therefore, restful. Being in the centre of the spectrum, it is the colour of balance – a more important concept than many people realise. When the world contains plenty of green, this indicates the presence of water, and little danger of famine, so we are reassured by green, on a primitive level. Negatively, it can indicate stagnation and, incorrectly used, will be perceived as being too bland.
Black is all colours, totally absorbed. Black represent sophistication, glamour, security, emotional safety, efficiency and substance. It creates protective barriers, as it absorbs all the energy coming towards you, and it enshrouds the personality. Black is essentially an absence of light, since no wavelengths are reflected and it can, therefore be menacing; many people are afraid of the dark. Positively, it communicates absolute clarity, with no fine nuances. It communicates sophistication and uncompromising excellence and it works particularly well with white. Black creates a perception of weight and seriousness. It is a myth that black clothes are slimming.
Maybe we can try some soul lifting colours on Monday to get rid of the blueness. So, now we know which colours suits our daily routine for a better day ahead.