Health is one of the most important thing to have in life. This saying is definitely one of the truest things that has ever been said. Many years ago, I contracted encephalitis, which caused me to be hospitalized twice. The first was when I was 26, but somehow, it wasn’t that serious. The second time, I wasn’t that lucky.
The year was 2006 and I was 56. I went for a hike with a minor cold. During the hike, I had double vision and had a bad fever. According to my wife, I was rushed to University of Malaya’s ICU ward, where I gradually started sleeping more, before entering a coma for 18 days. On the 18th day, I was declared braindead when I had apparently stopped breathing for a good 15 minutes.
Somehow, the medical staff managed to stabilise me, and kept me alive. They told my wife that the chances of me being in a vegetative state was high and that I was truly knocking on Death’s door. Out of options, she made a decision that saved my life.
To better explain how she did that, let me first explain that when I married my wife, she decided to help out with the family business as well, which is all about traditional Chinese herbs. Somehow, she found out about the benefits of Porcupine Dates and decided to try it out. It worked.
Just how were the Porcupine Dates fed to me? She had to pound it up into a very fine powder, and dissolve it into feeding tube. She then prayed hard for a miracle, and that was what she received. I managed to come out of the coma.
It’s been several years since that incident, and ever since then, my family and I have been serious advocates of the benefits of Porcupine Dates. Thanks to this, I’m still able to enjoy calligraphy and more importantly, I’m still lucky enough to still be here with my family and friends.
Just what are Porcupine Dates though?
It’s essentially a small “stone” found inside the stomach of porcupines. We call it stones because it’s actually pile of semi-digested herbs eaten by the porcupine when it was sick. These herbs accumulate over time, harden, and become shaped like stones.
Today, Porcupine Dates are used as treatment for dengue, meningitis, herpes, various throat infections, pneumonia, and bird’smore.
Kenny Chen is a third-generation herbalist and current owner of Soon Hing Cheong (1956) Ginseng Sdn. Bhd. In addition to selling traditional Chinese herbs for more than 25 years, the shop is also well-known for its high-grade Chinese, Korean and American Ginseng, Indonesian bird’s nest, and high-grade cordyceps, among other things.
His grandfather, Chen Tee Yong, was the one who started it all. To make ends meet, Chen Tee Yong would cycle from door-to-door to sell herbs. Often his cycling would take him from Malaysia to Singapore, and accompanying him would be Kenny Chen’s father, Chen Kok Poh.
Chen Kok Poh was the one responsible for starting Soon Hing Cheong in 1956. Today, the very same strive for excellence continues. Kenny Chen continues to ensure that he sells the best products by personally visiting the sources of his products. For Chinese Ginseng, he often visits Changbaishan, China. As for bird’s nests, he would visit Pontianak, Indonesia. He also travels to Naqu in Tibet, which is where cordyceps are sourced from.
If you’d like to know more about how Porcupine Dates helped Kenny through his ordeal, you can contact him and visit him at Soon Hing Cheong.
5 & 7, Leboh Pudu, 50050 Kuala Lumpur.
T: +603 2032 5577 F: +603 3032 1397